This section of the edit resource dialog lets you specify resource dependencies. Resource dependencies let you specify that this resource should only be checked if the specific dependent resource(s) are online and available. This is useful when all your resources depend on another resource being available. For example, you may have your services, disk space, process monitor, and event log resources dependent on a computer being available via ping. Note that if a dependent resource is down, the resource that depends on it won't even be checked-- it will immediately go into 'failure' mode, but will supress notifications, unless the 'Send notifications on dependency failures' checkbox is checked.
  • Resource List: This is a list of all the resources that the current resource depends on. For each resource, the resource name and type are displayed.
  • Add: This lets you add a dependent resource to the list. Simply click it, find the resource and click OK.
  • Delete: This lets you delete a dependent resource from the list. Simply select the resource you'd like to be deleted, and click 'Delete'.
  • Send notifications on dependency failures: Normally, when a resource is dependent on another resource that is unavailable, the resource will immediately switch to 'failure' state, and notifications will not be sent(as they were already sent for the dependent resource). This checkbox overrides that behavior, and indicates that notifications SHOULD be sent, even if this resource is down due to dependency failure.

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Network Monitoring Software